Part 1: Mobile-first learning through microlearning apps is crucial for true knowledge transfer

This is the first post in a five-part series on video-based microlearning. Throughout this series we will examine the latest trends and benefits of this unique bite-sized learning approach for employee training. But first, let’s review what video-based microlearning is and why it is so impactful.

Understanding Video-based Microlearning

In today’s fast-paced world, time is a precious commodity. With so many competing priorities, it takes effort to find the time to devote hours to learning new skills or gaining knowledge. But what if you could learn something new and valuable in just a few minutes each day? That’s where the innovation behind video-based microlearning comes in!

Video-based microlearning is like a bite-sized snack – it’s compact, satisfying and leaves you craving more. Each microlearning module packs a punch – delivering targeted information in a concise and engaging way. And just like a bite-sized snack, it’s the perfect pick-me-up when you need a quick boost of inspiration or a reminder on how to complete a task.

But this way of continuous learning isn’t just convenient – it’s also incredibly effective. You can absorb and retain information more efficiently by breaking it into bite-sized chunks. Plus, with the flexibility of the small doses, you can fit it into your busy schedule and learn at your own pace, similar to having a personal learning coach at your fingertips.

Video-based microlearning is a popular form of eLearning and employee training because it works. Learners retain 95 percent of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10 percent when reading it in text. This statistic is staggering, but not surprising, especially when you consider how people consume information each day on social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram and TikTok for work.

Video is both visual and auditory, making it more engaging, and easier to retain information after viewing. It’s no wonder that 70 percent of employees prefer video-based learning.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional looking to upskill or someone curious about the world around you, microlearning can help you achieve your goals and expand your knowledge.

In this segment, we’ll quickly provide an overview of five key trends in microlearning apps and explore the first trend in more depth. The five trends are:

    • Mobile-First Learning: As more people use smartphones and tablets to access online content, microlearning has become increasingly mobile-friendly. Inherently short and to the point, microlearning is ideal for mobile learning and skills training on devices, making it easy for learners to consume new concepts and ideas.
    • Gamification: Gamification is the use of game elements in non-game contexts. Microlearning is perfect for gamification because it lends itself well to bite-sized challenges and rewards. Gamification not only heightens engagement and motivation, it also makes learning more enjoyable.
    • Personalization: Personalization is the process of tailoring continuous learning experiences to meet the individual needs of the learner. Incredibly customizable, microlearning makes it easy to modify content based on the employee. This increases engagement and motivation and helps learners retain more information.
    • Social Learning: We learn from others through social interactions. Microlearning can be an effective tool for social learning because it is easily shared and discussed on social media and other online platforms. This boosts engagement and motivation and helps employees connect with those who are learning along with them.
    • Microlearning Analytics: We can analyze data to understand how learners engage with microlearning content. This helps identify both areas where learners may be struggling and areas where learners are excelling. This information can be used to improve the effectiveness of microlearning content and better meet learners’ needs.

Now that we are more familiar with these microlearning trends, let’s take a closer look at mobile-first learning.

Mobile-First Approach: Redefining Learning with Microlearning Apps

The digital revolution has significantly transformed conventional learning approaches. The advent of smartphones and mobile learning on applications has opened up a new avenue for education that favors flexibility, convenience and real-time accessibility. Amid the abundance of modern methodologies, ‘mobile-first learning’ has emerged as a powerful educational strategy, especially when combined with microlearning. This bite-sized learning approach focuses on designing educational experiences for mobile devices, redefining how we acquire and process information.

When you combine video-based communication and training with a personal device like a mobile phone, knowledge retention and engagement skyrocket. Consider that 75 percent of employees utilize a smartphone to do their job. Users are 72 percent more engaged with mobile training than other forms of training and complete training 45 percent faster with better knowledge retention.

Key Aspects of Mobile-First Learning in Microlearning Apps

Always Available, Always Accessible: The mobile-first approach ensures that learning can occur anytime, anywhere. With the convenience of mobile devices, learners can access video microlearning modules during their commute, in between meetings or at any ‘micro-moment’ throughout their day.

Engagement and Interaction: Mobile learning offers engaging and interactive user interfaces that make learning fun and productive. Video-based microlearning apps utilize video, quizzes and other gamified elements to enhance user engagement. In fact, companies with engaged employees have an 81% reduction in absenteeism, saving significant amounts of time and money.

Personalized Learning Experiences: Microlearning apps can enable personalized learning pathways. Based on the learner’s behavior, preferences and performance, the mobile-first approach with on-demand library content can be used to meet individual learning goals at the learner’s pace.

Real-Time Feedback and Support: The mobile-first learning approach supports instant feedback and assistance. This feature allows learners to immediately identify and rectify their mistakes, improving their understanding and retention of the material.

Seamless Integration with Daily Life: Mobile learning blends seamlessly into the lifestyle of digital-age learners. It takes advantage of the habitual use of mobile devices to integrate learning into their daily routine, making it a continuous and effortless process.

The Future of Learning: A Mobile-First Perspective

The mobile-first approach to learning and skills training, especially when combined with microlearning, signals a paradigm shift in education. As we continue to embrace the digital age, the influence and prevalence of mobile devices in our lives will only increase.

Video-based microlearning apps and platforms like Tyfoom are at the forefront of this revolution, pioneering a future where continuous learning is as flexible and prevalent as the technology we use daily. This strategic fusion of mobile technology with microlearning is not just the next step in digital education – it’s a leap toward a more accessible, engaging and personalized future of learning.

To find out how mobile-first learning can help your organization, schedule a call with one of our Tyfoom training consultants to learn more.

Stay tuned! In our next post we’ll explore Gamification – increasingly relevant as more learners use mobile devices to access online content. We will examine the science behind why gamification is so successful for knowledge retention. Trust us. You won’t want to miss out.