Employee engagement is low. Is this a result of Quiet Quitting or a symptom of a deeper-rooted issue?

Ask any successful business owner, and they’ll tell you that a company’s greatest asset is its employees – without them a company cannot function. Employees are the cogs working tirelessly to help your machine run smoothly- they come in every day, deliver outstanding results, and are the foundation of a thriving business venture.

Conversely, even the sharpest entrepreneur will crash and burn without employees – specifically good ones. That’s why many bosses and supervisors are growing concerned about a recent trend: Quiet Quitting.

A 2022 Gallup survey said that more than half of the U.S. workforce currently consists of “Quiet Quitters.” This is a term that many may not be familiar with, and it is a trend that’s not going anywhere anytime soon.

Understanding this trend and how to prevent it is key to your success as a business owner.

What is “Quiet Quitting?”

In a direct response to discussions about employee burnout, TikTok user @zkchillin went viral with a video popularizing the term. Now, the next generation of workers seems to feel compelled to join the ranks of quiet quitters.

“Quiet Quitting” refers to the lack of effort employees give their positions at work. Instead of going above and beyond in their daily tasks, they do the bare minimum with little to no enthusiasm.

They rationalize, in part, that if they aren’t going to be valued for their work, why would they value that same work? “Minimum wage, minimum effort” is a phrase that bares some similarities to the concept.

While it sounds nihilistic and like a simple product of a lazy generation, we invite you to think deeper. These trends haven’t just been born out of thin air – most of our workforce is burnt out. They’re tired, overworked, and don’t see a future at their places of employment. This trend is due largely to the lack of succession plans, employee engagement from organizations, inattentive bosses, and untended-to workplace environments.

In fact, disengaged employees cost the world $7.8 trillion in lost productivity, while engaged employees are productive and lead to a 21% increase in profitability.

What businesses can do

In a world of “Quiet Quitting,” how do you, as a business owner or leader in your job, maintain a good work ethic in your employees?

Companies have tried to implement employee engagement strategies for years. But most often they are reactive in how they address them. For example, 8 of the 10 largest private employers in the United states use work surveillance to track productivity metrics – including inactive time, keystrokes and sites accessed on computers. This leads to a feeling of dissatisfaction among employees who feel this infringes on their privacy and is invasive, affecting how they do their jobs.

However, this is probably not the best answer to address dissatisfied employees participating in “Quiet Quitting.” We believe that the answer is simpler than you may think.

First, managers need to have at least one meaningful 15-30 minute conversation each week with every team member.

Second, the organization and its leadership also need to engage employees and provide them with a path for professional development. This can come in the form of regular communication, training and other content delivered at least weekly through a video-based microlearning platform.

Sharing updates, tips and opportunities to learn provides an incentive for employees to work harder. And, it may surprise you how many of them want to. Positive employee engagement is up to every organization to cultivate. And, it is easy to create your own content, personalized to curb disengagement before it happens.

A solution that works

Bridging the gap between employee and employer has the potential to create a space that feels accessible for all in the workplace.

Selecting a video-based microlearning platform that is automated and that builds accountability is key, so you can watch your employees better engage with the business, help Quiet Quitters engage again, and plan for further career growth.

Communication from the top down is essential. Employees should be receiving information and messages based on job function, title, group or division and more. This connects them to management.

With increased communication and better accountability, you can create a culture that is welcoming and where your employees can reach their full potential. Daily engagement, employee training, and professional development, can bring your entire company together in practical, beneficial ways. Most organizations tend to treat their employees as dispensable by showing them how important they are.

The bottom line is that you must leverage video-based microlearning technology to proactively engage the Quiet Quitters and inspire them to become more.

By leveraging the power of video-based microlearning technology, you can create a more engaged and productive workforce while improving customer satisfaction and profitability. Here are 10 specific ways an engagement platform can help your business achieve these goals:

  1. Employee satisfaction and job satisfaction
  2. Employee retention and reducing employee turnover
  3. Improving company culture and work environment
  4. Boosting employee morale and engagement levels
  5. Reducing absenteeism and burnout
  6. Enhancing employee well-being
  7. Improving employee feedback and recognition in real-time
  8. Enhancing professional development and growth opportunities for existing employees and new hires
  9. Business Outcomes and increasing employee productivity and performance management
  10. Improving customer experience and satisfaction through an engaged workforce.

Take action

You can take action today to improve and drive employee engagement and prevent Quiet Quitting. Consider establishing an effective onboarding process based on documented best practices, using regular surveys to create an action plan based on employee feedback and recognizing employee achievements – specifically when they engage with the organization. This will help improve the employee experience

Interested in engaging your Quiet Quitters better and learning more about best practices that can improve employee engagement within your organization? Click here to speak with a Tyfoom consultant and let’s get started.