There’s been a shift in the status quo within the world of Training Courses For Employees. But you don’t have to fear the change with microlearning on your side.

Microlearning Apps and Modern Businesses – A Symbiotic Relationship in Your Training Courses For Employees
Over the past few years, we have experienced an exponential change in how consumers and businesses utilize technology. Organizations have used everything from software to robotics to automate as many repeatable processes as possible. And for good reason. The Paradox of Choice suggests that while humans are happiest when they are free to choose, trivial decisions (i.e., those easily automated) squander valuable mental energy and time. Decision fatigue decreases the capacity for important tasks, leading to poor choices, mistakes, and lower efficiency, all of which have detrimental effects on productivity and morale.

We mitigate decision fatigue and conserve cognitive load by automating tasks to reduce the number of decisions we make each day. By prioritizing or outsourcing tasks, we can allocate our attention more efficiently. For example, in-person shopping is quickly being phased out to online shopping. Browsing websites conserves energy and focus – no need to waste limited cognitive and physical resources on commuting to different stores and manually searching for items. We can even get our food delivered by robots or through contactless delivery like Uber Eats. To remain competitive, organizations must enable employees to automate processes and decision-making. How? By providing them the right technology and then educating and empowering them through training, communication and engagement.

Employee Training is Essential
This revolution in technology has bled into business processes as well. For instance, on construction sites and in manufacturing facilities, machines assist with everything from ergonomics to inventory control. But that’s not all. With the advent of AI-powered automation and machine learning, companies can streamline operations resulting in higher productivity, reduced human error, faster response times and improved customer experiences. Integrating automation has shifted many organizations deeper into the digital age than ever before.

With this ever-evolving technological landscape, how does a modern business empower their workforce to elevate performance and remain competitive? Four words: Training Courses For Employees. Organizations that implement effective employee training through video-based microlearning not only engage employees, but also connect every team member to leadership, every day.

Connection with company leaders is not all employees crave. An incredible 67% of workers want opportunities to learn new skills and advance their careers. Daily learning gives employees the chance to incorporate new knowledge all the time, which is essential for them and their employers to keep adapting. Employees who are entrusted to make decisions that streamline processes and tasks foster a company culture that is focused on constant improvement and workforce performance. Unsurprisingly, companies with a strong learning culture are 52% more productive.

Training Courses For Employees and Video-Based Microlearning Apps
Video-based microlearning apps present information in bite-sized, manageable chunks through brief and engaging videos clips. Why video? Video remains one of the most engaging mediums because it typically takes less effort than reading, and is visually stimulating to the viewer. Studies have shown that training through video content has a 95% retention rate compared to 10% for text content.

Video-based microlearning is effective because it disseminates knowledge through observation, imitation and modeling. Video-based microlearning apps provide live recorded models performing a behavior or action in short 1- to 2-minute videos. These videos contain audio that also provides descriptions and explanations of a behavior. In other words, employees not only see it done, but receive detailed instructions as to how and why certain actions are performed.

Once we have observed the model with our full attention and have a workable memory base of the actions required, we are ready to actually perform the behavior we observed. Video-based microlearning apps go one step farther by reinforcing what has been learned through on-screen text (e.g., subtitles) and post-video quiz questions. An on-demand video library allows users to review these videos and complete the steps along with the instructor, as needed.

The Importance of Continuous Skill Development
Traditional employee training is often time-consuming and not relevant to the roles of each team member, making it less effective in today’s dynamic work environment. The fresh approach of video-based microlearning apps, on the other hand, offers flexibility and efficiency, allowing employees to learn daily and on demand without disrupting the flow of work.

With the continual advent of new technologies, the skill sets required to thrive in the workplace are constantly evolving. Video-based microlearning apps enable businesses to tailor employee training to different teams or roles, and instantly deploy it within the organization. This ability to quickly adapt and optimize learning brings an array of benefits not found in traditional training methods. Video-based microlearning apps help organizations become more competitive, productive and profitable through continuous skill development, that is, employee training. Here’s how:

    • Personalized learning experiences: Personalization tailors learning experiences to fit each learner’s unique needs – a radical departure from the ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach of traditional learning. Personalization in video-based microlearning apps delivers content and functionality that aligns with individual needs or the needs of a specific role within the company, with no additional effort on the part of the user. Personalization can lead to a stronger and more meaningful connection between the microlearning app and the user because the content is directly relevant to the individual. When a new hire or existing employee engages in training that is directly relevant and interesting to them, they become not only more knowledgeable but also more connected to their work. Video-based microlearning has this unique ability to deliver concise, targeted content, making learning a more enjoyable and rewarding experience.
    • Daily improvement through learning: Video-based microlearning apps foster a culture of continuous, lifelong learning within organizations. By offering content in small, manageable chunks, the intimidation and time commitment often associated with traditional learning methods are greatly reduced, encouraging employees to regularly engage with the material. Video-based microlearning apps help learners identify mistakes and reinforce correct behavior decreasing the likelihood of human error, rework and loss of revenue in the future.
    • Bridging the skills gap: In a recent study, 87% of employers reported having a skills gap or knowing they will have one within the next few years – an alarming figure illustrating the chasm that exists between employees’ skills and the skills they need to excel in their roles. Video-based microlearning apps bridge this gap by offering targeted training that addresses specific areas of need.
    • Enhancing career development: For many employees, continuous skill development is key to career advancement. In fact, 55% of workers want more opportunities to develop their skills and enhance their workplace performance. Video-based microlearning apps offer the opportunity to continuously improve and gain new skills through consistent, daily learning. This, in turn, significantly boosts employee value to current and future employers.
    • Keeping pace with industry trends: In addition to technological changes, industries often experience shifts in best practices, regulatory requirements and consumer expectations. Video-based microlearning apps allow organizations to quickly update and instantly disseminate information related to these trends, ensuring their workforce is always up-to-date.
    • Increasing organizational agility: An organization’s ability to quickly adapt to market changes and disruptions is a key determinant of its long-term success. A workforce that is constantly developing its skills is a major asset in this regard, as it ensures the organization can rapidly pivot and adapt as required.

By enabling quick, personalized, and effective employee training, video-based microlearning apps ensure that employees remain competitive, adaptable, and productive in the face of constant change and fluctuating market conditions.

EVERY Business Can Benefit From Training Courses For Employees
The benefits of employee training through video-based microlearning apps are extended to all businesses – regardless of size or industry. Their inherent adaptability and ease of use make them a universally beneficial approach to employee training and development. Because video-based microlearning apps do not require extensive resources or infrastructure to create trainings, they are an affordable and manageable solution for skill development. When employees are trained and empowered to automate the decision-making process, companies enjoy a happier, more engaged and higher-performing workforce.

The Future of Training Content – Video-Based Microlearning Platforms for Employees
Looking ahead, video-based microlearning platforms are set to become even more integral to employee training and development. Staying in-the-know on the advancements and trends in employee training is vital to maintaining a competitive edge. That’s what we do. Tyfoom helps organizations more effectively manage employee training, communication, and engagement through video-based microlearning, messages, and on-demand content.

Employing science-based techniques and gamification, Tyfoom users recall 96% of concepts, have viewed 94% of app communications, and maintain a 92% monthly engagement rate, ensuring adoption. Simple to manage. Easy to use. Connect your employees with leadership and make the fun, engaged workplace you dream about a reality.

To learn more about how you can revolutionize employee training, communication and engagement in your organization, schedule a meeting to speak with a Tyfoom training consultant.