More productive
employees in less than
2 minutes a day

Tyfoom users:
– Retain 96% of concepts
– View 94% of messages daily
– Are 92% engaged at work

Employee Engagement Platform


Accelerate Employee Training

Employees forget 70% of information in 1 day. 81% of employees are frustrated when they can't access company knowledge.

Automate the consistent delivery of short, engaging training that is retained and used, not just completed for compliance.


Increase Employee Engagement

Only 33% of the US workforce is engaged. Engaged teams are 23% more profitable and have nearly 60% less employee turnover.

Build a strong company culture with top-down engagement that is automated, purposeful, and improves your bottom line.


Improve Workforce Communication

Ineffective communication costs companies 1 in 5 workdays. Daily communication makes employees 3 times more productive.

Ensure your workforce gets role-specific communication and content with instant visibility when they read.

2 Minutes to better employees

Say goodbye to long, boring training, unread internal email and a disconnected workforce. In about 2 minutes each day, your employees will become excited, informed and knowledgeable.

With Tyfoom, you improve your bottom line, company culture and employee engagement. And, engaged businesses are 21% more profitable and more productive.


Video Trainings Completed




Average Quiz Score


Daily Engagement Rate*

Stop overcomplicating training

It shouldn’t be difficult to implement engaging training and communication for an on-the-go workforce that is actually relevant, remembered and implemented. 

Rethink how you train by downloading our 5 Steps To Developing Relevant Training white paper today.

How Tyfoom Works

Watch 1-2 Minute Video

Answer 3 Questions

Track Your Progress

Modernize communication & training

Stop competing for the attention of your time-strapped, remote and on-the-go workforce who have short attention spans and feel disconnected. Tyfoom makes it simple and easy to provide consistent, daily communication and training to your employees.

Improve employee engagement, retention, and company culture.

Accelerate knowledge transfer

Employees forget 70% of information in just 1 day – and it costs you. With a 95% retention rate, Tyfoom helps you transfer knowledge so your employees remember essential information when they need it, and easily access wherever they are when they forget.

Transform training from an information dump into knowledge.

Team Training

Develop successful employees

Empower employees by standardizing, documenting and distributing best practices with bite-sized video-based content that is fingertip accessible and easy to apply. Prevent safety incidents, re-work and mitigate risk while increasing adoption and accountability. 

‌Simple to manage. Easy to consume, understand and put to use. 



Safety Training






On-site training


Certificate tracking

Policies and document

Custom badges


QR codes

Badges and onboarding

Policies and documents

Tracking dashboard

Additional resources

White paper: Why Every Employer Needs Cumulative Microlearning

by | Sep 30, 2024 | Resources,White paper | 0 Comments

Discover how to bridge the skills gap with a learning culture focused on cumulative microlearning and skill development…

eBook: 5 Easy Ways to Build a Learning Culture with Cumulative Microlearning

by | Sep 30, 2024 | ebook,Resources | 0 Comments

Learn 5 easy steps to build a learning culture with cumulative microlearning to drive engagement and productivity…

A Guide to Choosing the Right Cumulative Microlearning Software

by | Sep 30, 2024 | Checklist,Guide,Resources | 0 Comments

Download our free guide to find, evaluate and implement the best microlearning software for your organization…

Case Study Download: Wheeler Machinery

by | Jul 26, 2024 | Case studies,Resources | 0 Comments

Wheeler increased employee engagement, reduced incidents and bolstered productivity with clear, consistent communication

Case Study Download: Jones Paint and Glass

by | Jul 26, 2024 | Case studies,Resources | 0 Comments

Jones Paint & Glass increased revenue, boosted engagement and reduced incidents with specialized employee training.

Mental Wellness

Mental Wellness Guide: Get Help Getting Help

by | May 23, 2024 | Guide,Resources | 0 Comments

A guide to getting help Seeking the right help for your mental wellness is crucial, but it can be overwhelming and confusing. This quick guide provides an overview on...

how to get started

Getting Started With Tyfoom: Video Introduction

by | Nov 3, 2022 | Guide,Resources | 0 Comments

What is Tyfoom? Tyfoom is a mobile app that your company will use to deliver training and communication to you. Soon, they will send you an invite through email or text...

ebook feature

eBook: Creating Effective Training in 7 Minutes or Less

by | Oct 25, 2022 | ebook,Resources | 0 Comments

We live in a reality where organizations face a difficult challenge: Transferring knowledge to new and current employees in an engaging and effective way. Yet, even if...

cheatsheet feature

Cheat Sheet: Create Effective Training in 7 Minutes

by | Oct 25, 2022 | Guide,Resources | 0 Comments

Organizations are faced with the monumental challenge of finding engaging ways to transfer skills and knowledge to employees while helping them feel empowered and...

*Tyfoom’s monthly engagement rate is over 91%